Tiles Fixing Cost In 2023 In India

Every year construction material rates & labour charges changes. So accordingly, different construction works costing also changes. So if you are planning to construct a house in 2023 and you want to know how much cost will be required to fix tiles in your house then you are reading the right blog. After reading this blog you can easily calculate the tiles fixing cost (Both Material Cost & Labour cost) for your house.


  • The very first step is to calculate the total area of all the rooms of your house where the floor tiles are going to be fixed. Let us assume that it comes out to be 1000sqft


Total Area Calculation


  • Labour charges for tiles fixing depends majorly on two factors. Type of tiles & size of tiles. Here we are considering vitrified tiles and there are two sizes available in the market for vitrified tiles – 2’ x 2’ & 2’ x 4’
Tiles Sizes
  • Now for 2’ x 2’ size tiles the labour charges ₹15/- PER SQFT, similarly for 2’ x 4’ size tiles the labour charges ₹17/- PER SQFT. I have taken average rates here based on my experience & the city in which I am currently working. The rates may differ from place to place by + or – ₹1.
  • Let us say if you fix 2’ x 2’ size tiles on 1000sqft area then your total labour charges will be = Area x Rate = 1000sqft  x ₹15 = ₹15,000/-
  • Similarly if you fix 2’ x 4’ size tiles on 1000sqft area then your total labour charges will be = Area x Rate = 1000sqft  x ₹17 = ₹17,000/- In this way you can calculate labour cost for any area


  • Now there are three types of materials required to do tiles fixing work. Tiles, sand and cement. We will see how much cost is required for each of the material
Materials Required For Tiles Fixing Work
  • So for tiles let us say if you purchase ₹45/- PER SQFT rate tiles (Again I have taken an average rate here) and for sand & cement combinedly it will cost around  ₹30/- PER SQFT.
  • So the total material cost will come out to be ₹45 + ₹30 = ₹75/- PER SQFT
  • Now again for 1000sqft area the total material costwill be= Area x Rate = 1000Sqft x ₹75 = ₹75,000/-

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  • As we have calculated the labour cost & material cost both. So you can easily calculate the total tiles fixing cost now by simply adding labour charges & material cost together
  • Total Cost (For 2’ x 2’ Tiles) = Labour Cost + Material Cost = ₹15,000 + ₹75,000 = ₹90,000/-
  • Total Cost (For 2’ x 4’ Tiles) = Labour Cost + Material Cost = ₹17,000 + ₹75,000 = ₹92,000/-
  • So I hope that you find the above given information valuable and helpful. Now you can calculate the tiles fixing cost easily for any given house based on above calculations.
  • Share your thought in the comment box below
  • Also if you want to see the same content in video format, here I have attached the Youtube video link for the same below:
Youtube Video

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